I actually have news
First of all, for those of you who were wondering, my grandma is out of the hospital but isn't able to take care of herself or be left alone for long periods of time. She can't take of her colostomy bag so because my job hasn't started because I was waiting for a security clearance from the government I was basically babysitting.
JeriLynn - she doesn't have demensia (or not that bad) she just doesn't have any sense of modesty anymore because of the periods she's spent in hospitals and a stint in the nursing home. It was her solution to a problem ... and if you follow her train of thought its logical, in a way. And I'm glad you like the bracelets. At thanksgiving two of my aunts found out about them and I made some for my two cousins, one who is less than a month old and the other who is six months old.
After that incident my dad started shopping around for assisted living centers because he says we can't provide her the care she needs anymore. She was all sorts of pissed at us, but my mom pointed out that she couldn't be left alone and I would start work soon. We just didn't know how soon. So, we found this really nice, small, homey place and she moves Saturday.
I get a call yesterday from my aunt. My security clearance has come through and I start work on Monday. She's going to drive me the first day so I need to be at her house at 5:30 a.m. to get there in time. Did I mention that the place I'm working will have over an hour commute by bus each way? What was I thinking? Oh yeah, this is a great job, and I have tudent loans I need to pay back.
Hope everyone is having a good holiday season!