Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hey ladies! It's me. Well, I'm feeling really drained right now, and who blames me? Since my last post (which was when? I can't remember), I moved from Logan to my dad's, while hubby was gone for training. Then I packed up my car and drove to Oklahoma to get him, rested for two days, and we drove some more to Virginia. Seven days on the road, nine days total. (We took it easy for the little kiddo, who's almost 21 months now.)

Anyway, yeah, so we're in Virginia. Jay is going to some specialization training and I get to enjoy the beautiful spring. We got a furnished house, since we're only here three months, and it came with everything. We brought clothes and toys and bought foodstuffs. We have a nice fenced yard with room for Liesl to run, and we live in a nice enough place that I can take a walk every morning. We've been here two weeks, and I like it. I love shopping on post (or on base) at the Commissary and Exchange. The meat is sooo cheap, and our house came with a nice grill, so I'm in heaven. I grill fish and steaks and asparagas all the time, and Liesl loves, LOVES hot dogs. It's great. I also discovered this fiesta chicken and pasta recipe that comes with this unusual but so, so delicious lime sauce for the pasta that I just totally dig. It's yum-yum-yummy.

My belly is poking out a great deal. I'm due three months from now, and no, I'm not sure if I'll have the baby here or in Washington state, where we will be moving to at about that time. I'm having another girl, in case I haven't mentioned that. Please, nobody tell me their sister horror stories beause I've heard enough of those (I don't actually have a sister, and my perspective of sisterhood is not so good); so if you have a good sister story, tell me that, because I need hope. I am looking forward to having another baby, I think. I'm planning on making her blessing dress while I'm out here, along with a few blankets for her.

So, in case you can't tell, I'm a little starved for adult-to-adult interaction. Not that I don't adore my child or love being a mother. I have so much fun teaching and playing with her all day. I have met other military wives, and we have an awesome ward. (We've been to church just one Sunday, and we already have duties!) I just need a place to record stuff. So I'm starting a blog. I will email you the address when I get it up and running. It's just a skeleton now.

Okay, my bishop is on his way over now. Have a nice on!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

alumni networks

Wait... "What's this?" you might ask yourself?... Could it be?


The answer, my darlings, is YES.

Aside from being neck deep in school and work and life, not a whole lot is happening. Except that Mandy and I are hiring ourselves a third writer to share our lovely office. And in part of that employee search, we contacted Kelli Cargile-Cook and Dave Hailey to help us recruit. Which resulted in Kelli sending this lovely piece of information that she insisted I share with any alumni I know:

Our alumni listserv includes graduates from Utah State’s undergraduate and master's programs, including graduates who have recently contacted me, hoping to hire other USU graduates. We'd like to strengthen this network, and this listserv is the best technology for now to make that happen.

To subscribe, go to the following web page:

We use the list to send out all job notices, news about the department, and other interesting information. You should also feel free to use the listserv to make your own contacts and strengthen your personal network.

I hope you'll decide to subscribe.


So, out of a guilty conscience*, I post this information for all to use.


*You had all better appreciate this post. While getting the dictionary to assist my spelling of 'conscience', I broke the glass candy dish that my mother-in-law gave me, sending shards of glass into Mandy's hand and ruining a sh*tload of coveted office-chocolate.