I'm huger than ever now!
Hi guys! Wow, it's depressing hearing about you guys and all you're going through. But I have hope for my fabulously funny and terribly talented friends! Something will work out.
Oh, Hollie, I have an idea. How 'bout you put Mitch's address on your application stuff. That way Mitch can read your mail instead of your parents AND companies won't be intimidated by your out-of-state address. I think you should try it! :)
Elsie, when are you going to Switzerland? You have, like, four days to get your bum over to my place so we can chat and stuff!
So my belly has doubled since that mocktail pic! Yeah, I'm so depressed. I just went to the doctor for a checkup and I've gained 10 pounds in four weeks! Ugh. But my uterus (where's Micah?) also grew 10 centimeters to 32 centimeters in the same amount of time. So that means my baby's on the LARGE side. Ack! My feet have also started swelling, so I have to keep them up as much as possible. I nearly cried when I lost them the other day (to swelling) and it took two days to get a resemblence of them back. However, she jumps aroundquite a lot-- very visibly now-- and me and Jay get a great kick of her little escapades.
So, happy day, I moved next to a cosmotologist. Yay for me, I can finally get rid of my mullet. Which I did today, and I'm well pleased.
So I just have to say that most of my pics from graduation day are the best ever of me. Almost. I was quite pleased. I'll post them sometime when I'm not feeling lazy. Or hungry. Speaking of food, I love you all, but I've got steaks to fry.
the jelyfish
(p.s. thanks you all for your approval of Leisl Aurora-- we'll start a petition so we can convince my hubby)
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