Wednesday, June 7, 2006

I hope nepotism is alive and well

I have a job interview for a tech writing position. Normally they only hire engineers out of college but the funny thing is, engineers don't want to be tech writers generally (and vice versa). So they get these engineers, they pay for them to move out here, they work them for a year and the engineers find other jobs (they have to work at least a year or pay back the moving expenses) with a years worth of experience on their resume ... only they usually put it as engineering experience instead of tech writing experience.
So my aunt works in HR and is seriosuly getting tired of the high turnover and engineers who know nothing about writing that have to be trained to think like a tech writer and she got this idea. Hey, it would be easier to train a tech writer all the engineering stuff they need to know and keep them here for several years than training new engineers to be tech writers every year.
So she had me give her my resume and transcripts, she passed it on to the head engineering guy and I actually have an interview. My interview is on June 21st. It is for the INL and has excellent bennefits (from what I understand) and I can think of a lot of other places where it would suck more to work there.

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