Thursday, June 22, 2006

Welcome to the land of limbo! It sucks.

I am in Limbo! Not the caribbean party game with lots of drinks with umbrellas, but the terrible place where I have to make decisions about my life and where I want to live. I've decided I don't want to stay in Utah but I don't want to move away either, thereby earning me a place in limbo.

Actually, it hasn't been too bad a week. I put in an application at Gibbs Smith Publishing company in Layton through the USU Career Services website and their VP emailed me back almost immediately asking why I want to be an editor and what my interests are. And today I got a phone call from Ernst & Young, an accounting firm in Denver, to set up a phone interview for the proofreader position I applied for last week.

In other news, my personal life is boring, but for those of you who are interested in this saga, my friend Shelece is going to break up with her boyfriend Ryan! Hooray! If you want stories about why this makes me so excited, just ask and I could fill a blog by myself!

My friend Emily is very pregnant and she assigned me the job of entertaining her because her baby was/is due on the 30 (her doctor changed his mind a month ago and told her it was due on the 15 and so she left work last friday and now her duedate's back to the 30th and she's bored out of her mind!) So what should I do with her? I don't want to do anything strenuous and send her into labor since her dr's out of town until next week, but if I leave her at home she's going to re-upholster her entire living room!

That's basically my life, but I wanted to post and let you know I'm still alive and checking in. I'll let you know how the interview and stuff goes.

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