Monday, July 24, 2006

A snippet of Switzerland

Okay so I have been reprimanded. Yeah I never really said anything on the Switzerland blog because a)I didn't have my own computer and felt guilty using anyone's computer for longer than 10 min b)I barely even got the assignments I was supposed to do up there and c)did you read how funny Sage was? I could compete with that....thus I did not even try.
So apparently people have been doing a lot of things while I was out of the country. What's up with that honestly?
I had an amazing fantastic time! I was literally in a different city everyday....there was not a single day that I just sat around and did nothing and I loved it! It was so much fun just to go and see something new everyday. Half the time our assignments were to draw something so it was difficult to sit down after you get stuck in this go go go mentality but then once I did I would get sucked into drawing and not want to leave. I took over 900 pictures while I was you think that was enough? I still feel like I forgot to take pictures of some things while I was there.
So JeriLynn you requested more detail.....I really don't know where to start. Here something that didn't make it into the e-mails because I had to censor things a little bit. One day while riding on the train a small group of us decided we didn't want to walk through the whole train to sit with the group and thus we were sitting in a separate car. This car was full of some very interesting people....people that were apparently more than a little tipsy. If the clinking of bottles hadn't given them away I think the rambunctious French singing would have. So we are sitting there when we see a man and a woman (who walked like a model....and looked like one too) walk back towards the WC...together.....and opened the door and went in....together. Our poor little minds were shocked! I mean those WC aren't that big nor that clean. As we sat 3 seats away from the WC we wondered....what could those two possibly be doing in there? We heard the woman ask the man as they had passed if he had it (this was in English oddly enough)...he said yes. Had what? I guessed a condom (SCANDAL!) another guessed drugs. All we know is once they made it out of the WC (right before we got off so they nearly hit me with the door on the way out) her hair was....messed up. Anyway, that is just one small glance into my trip...maybe one of the most exciting stories. But there will be more later!!

This is one of the first pictures I took. It was at the Giannada Foundation museum....pretty much sums how I felt that day I think....:)

stay tuned!

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