Friday, August 25, 2006

Job related news

So I kind of have job related news, as you may have determined based on my title (Somewhere Dr McLaughlin is cheering, I've made you read the important part twice already). I got my first official rejection letter last week from a company I interviewed with on June 26. This was the first correspondence I've received from them even though I did the whole thank you email and then followed up a month later with a just wanted to check the progress email. As upset as I was that that was the first I heard from them, I was very impressed by their letterhead. The logo for the company is red and black and the back of the paper was completely red. The right hand corners were rounded. it was different without being weird or unprofessional and I bet some graphic designer got paid big money for saying "make the corners rounded and make the back red."

I also got a job offer today, however, before you start calling with congratulations, it was from my friend Emily who is changing jobs and needs someone to watch her six week old son until the daycare she is moving to has room for him. I went to 4 years of college and got a degree in tech writing so I can watch her baby sleep and change his diapers! He's a super sweet little boy, so good natured, and she calls me his "Aunt Mandy" which is cute but vaguely frightening. Really, there are lots of worse jobs I could do and I'm only agreeing to do it on the condition that I am free to leave should I find a "real job."

Networking is finally starting to work out as I am hearing about jobs that are opening up, but it took a long time to have very much of interest come up and my parents are no help. My mom got me volunteered to be a grant writer at her school and the teacher who had been doing it handed me half a ream of paper that was applications she'd printed out and a pamphlet on why art is important to schools and told me to have at it. She said that she wants money to buy musical instruments and have guest artists visit and I have NO idea what I'm really doing. My dad is even less help and told me yesterday that he is not encouraged by the fact that I'm still unemployed. He said it is further convincing him of his belief that editors are writers who didn't make and tech writers are any military personnel who can type.
That's about all for now; I haven't really had anything interesting to say so it's been a long time...

JeriLynn, I thought I cashed that check and I can't find it now so cancel it and consider your 3 dollars a baby gift ;D it's less than what I want to spend on you and Leisl/Liesl/I wish I could spell her name! Please remind me whether she follows the "i before e" rule or not. I think what I want to get you is a breast-feeding poncho. Do you already have one? Have you ever seen one before? Is it something you need and are interested in receiving? If not, please tell me what you want, and if it's something just for you, so much the better.

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