Monday, September 11, 2006


I am sitting here writing this in RBW. You should all be jealous.

Short story from switzerland.
One fine day we are riding the bus back to our little city when a small section of the group decided to be rebels and sit in another train car. Little did we know the adventures that would ensue. While sitting innocently in this car we discovered that our fellow passagers had had a little too much to drink on that fine afternoon. I'm sure some french profanities were used. One of the girls occupied the WC when a male and a female model walked towards the WC in a purposeful manner. To our shocked and bufuddled minds we wondered..are they going in together?? There's just not enough room for that to happen! What can they be thinking? But they did enter the WC together! We of course wanted to see the state of their attire when they exited the WC but our stop was coming up. Right before I was to step off the train they exited the WC with a bang....and her hair was disheveled. Makes you wonder what they were doing huh?

and about the boy....yeah that would be terrible if he found this and all my secrets were revealed. I would say that we are dating....but not exclusively at this point. It's freakin' me out a little bit. He says all sorts of cute things that I just don't know how to react to. I'm not usually a cute things sort of girl....but he's doin' something to me. I'm just going with the flow right now...and keeping my eyes pealed for more Heath Ledger look alikes. We talk every single day. If I was listening to myself I would say that I'm sickening....but I am rather smitten with this fellow at the moment. So.....umm...yes.

There you go.

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