Friday, October 13, 2006

Time flies and then some

It's been a month since I've posted. Wow.

So life blurrs on by. I lost track of how many weeks old Liesl is. I just know she's two months, and that's all I say. She's such a charm. I've never been happier in my entire life combined. I love her like the day is long. She laughs and smiles and sings along with me. We often talk back and forth. And no, I don't speak baby-talk. I'm WAAAAAY too sophisticated for that. Really. I'm telling the truth.

Here are some pictures of her in her blessing dress. None of the links work on the page. It's messed up. But the pics are great.

Nothing special has happened to me. I splurged on curtains. I listen to Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Laura. I have five loads of laundry to fold. I've called my landlord multiple times since Liesl's been born. Here's why:

  1. Broken lightswitch in bathroom
  2. Leaking roof in Liesl's room
  3. Leaking dishwasher
  4. Another broken lightswitch in dining room
  5. Broken Mailbox lock
  6. Broken doorknob

Gosh, that can't be all. . . there must be something more.

Huh. Well . . .Oh, yeah, you heard me right. I listen to Rush. I'm even becoming a "Rush Baby," or whatever it's called. But mostly I just say that as a joke.

And all y'all should read "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands." It's a must if you're married or getting married.

Speaking of marriage, my mom finally got married today.

Amelia, thanks for the pictures. I'm sorry about the deer. Did it do much damage? I hope not. It's a terrible thing. I guess.

Vanessa, I'm glad your exploits at NYU have taught you to be brave about speaking up about something you're embarassed about. Is there anything else going on in your life? I mean, hello! I've never lived anywhere in my life except Utah? What's it like out there?

Elsie, I'm sure you posted something. I can't remember what. I'm tired. I love you anyway.

Hollie, I'll be sending you the bracelets as soon as I'm not lazy anymore. I love you too.

Chelsi, I'm glad we hung out on Monday. Unfortunately you didn't see me at my best: I was a little stressed. However, the thought of your lovely pink heels makes me warm inside.

Okay, I'm tired. I feel the love though.


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