I'm not Pregnant.
Hello Loves,
Jerilyn, I'm so happy to hear you are posting. Spence told me he saw you and I was sad I wasn't there. I hope you aren't unhappy with me about the whole Parent Help situation....it was a weird thing that happened and I can assure you I shed some tears when I learned details. If it makes you feel any better I can't get hold of Shae either. I'm trying to work as much as I can...but there is hardly enough work for me to work full time. I usually only get 20 hours a week in. I'm getting a little concerned about the situation, but I'm not quite sure what to do about it. :( Shae is so busy with her music thing and now wedding plans that it's getting quite hard. I've started doing some freelancing to bring in some extra money since I am now the primary bread winner. Scary. I'm glad you had a good anniversary. If you ever need an in-town babysitter just call. It might help me with my bad attitude about getting preggers.
My V-day was fun. It's nice to not loathe the day entirely now. (Hollie, sadly, I was one of those pathetic girls who spun into a spiral of self-loathing on the wretched holiday that you spoke of in the survey you sent me. I think that was you?) I got Spence a harmonica harness and a harmonica that I had engraved with this line from our song, "I'll be the harmony to every lonely song that you learn to play." I also got him tickets to the Jazz game that night since last year he took me to the Ballet. (Romeo and Juliet.) That morning I woke up at 5 am...yeah, me, 5 am!!!! and made him a candlelight breakfast. I was actually so excited about it that I couldn't sleep a wink that night. He out-sweeted me though. At 9 am I was awakened from a nap by a weird beeping that got faster and faster. I was so confused and due to the fact that we've been watching all of the seasons of 24, I was sure it was a bomb. I frantically searched the house and found an alarm clock beside two dozen rozes. At 12:00 another went off and I found a stuffed puppy. At 2:00 I found a Valentines playdough set, some heart cookie cutters, and a gun that shoots cupids. Then, at 4:00 I found some candy and a cute little heart bracelet. I thought that was all and I was so impressed. Then at 5:12 another alarm went off and I found an aquarium with two adorable froggie lovers in it. There was a card attached, a perfect one that I can't beleive he found. It was hot pink with a princess crown on it. When you opened it up it said, "I'm glad you're my wife. If it weren't for you, I'd still be a frog." The he wrote all of this heart wrenching stuff about how I give him courage to be a warrior and a prince. I bawled like a baby. You should all come see our frog babies. They stay in their aquaruim castle together a lot though and makeout. Either that or my previous frog, Prince, wrote an epitaph on the castle walls. May he rest in peace. He died when I was a sophomore, followed by Romeo and Juliet, who ironically killed eachother. After that trauma, I put the aquarium away, but have been asking if we could get some pets. Now we have Chuck Jr. and little Chanda. May they live and love long.
So anyway, we went to the Jazz game and to Hard Rock Cafe because I knew he'd love all of the rock and roll memorabilia. I made reservations 2 weeks ahead and the host said I got the last one. But when we got there, there were only two other couples there. So sad. :( It makes me cringe to think of how scared those poor innocent people were that night. My MIL was on her way to Pottery Barn but her husband wanted to eat first, thank goodness!!!
Hollie, I'm sorry you're so sick. I feel your pain, I got it too. :( It hit me so suddenly on the way to SLC. At the jazz game I was using napkins to wipe my nose and the noise was KILLING my head and ears. I had to go seek out some cough drops at half time. I've never had a cold hit me in a matter of hours. I think it was because my neices gave me the flu the week before so my body's defenses were down. Mine developed into a sinus infection too...yucky!!!! Then Spencer's tummy got bad from a hot dog he ate at the game so by the time we got home, we were so sick we just went to bed. Zycam really helped me, so try that...although I hope you're over it by now!
Els, how's the hip? And the lip? You're a dip. Just kidding...don't flip. Okay, that's enough. Sorry.
Well, I must retire to cleaning my house. Much love to all.