Friday, June 1, 2007

Sicker than a dog but getting better!

Hey everyone. Me and Liesl are sick, sick, sick. Okay, maybe not that sick, but it's not fun. A week ago, we went camping with my dad's family. I came down with a bad head cold. Then Liesl got gut sick. Then I did. It's not fun. Luckily, the cold is passing by, but the gut sick stuff is quite contagious and uncomfortable. It turns even the best baby into a cry baby. Poor girl.

That's about it on my part. My house is a mess. I'm going to get my hair cut (not short) tomorrow. And. . . I hate cooking. Also, I put makeup on for the first time in a week.

New York City sticks to your ribs like oatmeal.

XO! I miss you all!

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