Thursday, July 5, 2007


Sister Chesley,
I need your address!!! Oh, I'm alive everyone! I've just had nothing to post about for a while. Now, however...I do! Saturday was my one year anniversary. Can you beleive it? I can't. It was glorious. He took me to the Anniversary Inn and suprised me with the Italian Gondola room, since I LOVE Venice. Go to It's the 5th south location and room #30. He made me close my eyes and when I opened them I immediately started bawling. He also ordered the anniversary package which included roses, sparkling cider, cheesecake, and personalized champagne flutes. THEN we went to Bucca di Beppo, because it's Italian and we went there on our honeymoon. After that we went back to the room and I squeezed into my dress and we ate our top tier of our wedding cake...which was suprisingly good. Then we exchanged gifts. I wrote him a book about our first year of marraige and he made me a slide show...available here:

I spent the whole weekend bawling. It was perfect. So then, in the morning, just when I thought it couldn't get any better...he suprised me with this:

Isn't she adorable? Her name is Belle. Send me your addresses...I'm sending out baby announcements and I don't care what anyone says. I'm going to be one of those weird dog people and I don't care! More pics of her are on facebook. Jerilynn, we'll get together soon...but it may be a while...summer's kinda crazy! Much love to all!



Ruby in the Rough said...

Chelsi, you are one lucky woman to have a man that thoughtful! How many hints did you have to drop?

The new "baby" is adorable! You of all people have no reason to feel bad about being one of those wierd dog people. I understand. What is her name?

We'll get together soon.

Ruby in the Rough said...

Uh. . . nevermind about her name part. That's obvious now I look at your blog again. :D

ferrari said...

Mandy and I just watched the video. How adorable! Congratulations, Chelsi! And your dog is freakin' cute!