Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hawaii? the Caribbean?

So I interviewed for an internship with Del Sol. They make color changing apparel (go to delsol.com to check it out). Basically I would get to go to Hawaii, the Caribbean, Mexico, key west, or etc and work in their stores. I won't know until the 20th if I get the job or not. It's not really technical writing...at all. But I get to go someplace tropical. Plus....I think I need a break from the 9-5 cubicle life. I don't know if I really like cubicles. Speaking of cubicles, I recently read a book that is basically a chick flick called "The Cubicle Next Door". It was a little bit funny and mostly like cotton candy for the brain? Hollie, I think, would enjoy it :)

Anyway....that's what I'm up to. I'm also looking for tech writing jobs...I guess. But if anyone finds any in Europe? That would rock my socks.

I think I want to travel.

ps Y'all shoulda seen Hollie's reaction when I was banging on the window yelling her name as I was passing her. It was awesome. Something along the lines of "what is that maniac doing?" Then she realized it was me....and didn't really look that relieved. priceless really.

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