A dream come true
Does anyone besides me and Mandy remember how I talked forever about wanting my hair pink? Not all of it, just part of it, like I'd tip it or something.
For those of you who didn't get to hear that particular mantra let me enlighten you. I wanted to dye my hair pink, not all of it, just part of it. Tip it or something. Couldn't do it while applying for jobs because what if that turned a potential employer off of me? Mandy bought me ManicPanic Hot Pink hair dye and it has sat in storage for more than a year, taunting me, guilting me. So ... I decided to finally go and do it.
Before I l
eft for Christmas I checked the company dress code. It doesn't mention hair color at all. And I've talked to people before about different aspects of the dress code. Basically, as long as my boss doesn't have a problem with it, and its within the bounds of the company dress code, its kosher.

My boss, might I mention is really cool. He has an earing, wears a shark's tooth necklace and can quote My Cousin Vinny, Finding Nemo, and Office Space from memory. He's really cool, I don't think he'll have a problem with it.
Just to be safe however, I didn't dye my entire head. I also didn't bleach the hair first (that makes it more vibrant). Instead, I only did the underlayer of hair. So in the picture, I'm actually pulling up the top layer of hair so you can see the pink, otherwise, all you get is a little bit of pink tip if I move just right.
I like it, my mom thinks I'm a dissapointment who is doing it just to hurt her (but what else is new), my little sister thinks it cool, but most importantly of all (and this bears repeating) I LIKE IT.
Hope everyone had as much fun this holiday as I did.
Hooray! Pink hair for Hollie! I love it and I'm sure it'll go over big at work, unless your engineers are like my developers and then they may not even notice ;)
Tell your mom there are far worse things than hair dye... like piercing one's nose. (Yeah, the old disappointment meter went pretty high for that one.) I like being the worst case scenario!
Anyway, much love from Utah and I hope that you have a very happy January 1st!
That is fantastic and I love it. Keep shakin' it up sister!
Um yeah, I'm guessing guys are guys everywhere. They didn't even notice. Or if they did notice they didn't say anything.
I told my friend Will I put high lights in and he said "At least you didn't go some wild and crazy color like pink"
I corrected him, he looked closer and then said he respected people who did crazy stuff with their hair.
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