Thursday, November 30, 2006

I actually have news

First of all, for those of you who were wondering, my grandma is out of the hospital but isn't able to take care of herself or be left alone for long periods of time. She can't take of her colostomy bag so because my job hasn't started because I was waiting for a security clearance from the government I was basically babysitting.

JeriLynn - she doesn't have demensia (or not that bad) she just doesn't have any sense of modesty anymore because of the periods she's spent in hospitals and a stint in the nursing home. It was her solution to a problem ... and if you follow her train of thought its logical, in a way. And I'm glad you like the bracelets. At thanksgiving two of my aunts found out about them and I made some for my two cousins, one who is less than a month old and the other who is six months old.

After that incident my dad started shopping around for assisted living centers because he says we can't provide her the care she needs anymore. She was all sorts of pissed at us, but my mom pointed out that she couldn't be left alone and I would start work soon. We just didn't know how soon. So, we found this really nice, small, homey place and she moves Saturday.

I get a call yesterday from my aunt. My security clearance has come through and I start work on Monday. She's going to drive me the first day so I need to be at her house at 5:30 a.m. to get there in time. Did I mention that the place I'm working will have over an hour commute by bus each way? What was I thinking? Oh yeah, this is a great job, and I have tudent loans I need to pay back.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Huh? It's almost December? What?

Hi, yeah, Liesl's four months old today. Wow, time flies.

She puts herself to sleep now. Very nice. She plays with her hands and squeals and blows bubbles. She is very fun.

So, this is how flustered I've been since she's been born: I asked her pediatrician about the rash all over her body. She says she's sensitive to the laundry detergents. I've been using Dreft for fabric softener, which should by safe for babies. Well, it turns out, the Dreft I have is not fabric softener, but detergent. So I've been soaking Liesl's clothes in soap, which would explain the rash.

Holly, thanks for the bracelets. You are a doll. I look forward to a Christmas card from you. I hope to do my own, as well. I doubt I have everyone's address. Go ahead and send me your addresses to Please. Also, Holly, in that survey you sent me, I didn't laugh when I read about you finding your grandma in the nude. That is upsetting, though I can see the humor too. Dimensia must be very hard to live with.

Well, I love you all. I only check my email about once a week now, I'm so . .. everywhere else.


Friday, November 24, 2006

count down

i have one week left out here.

and i just finished revising this little writing project: a photo essay

i can't say how interesting it is or isn't to anybody but me, but there it is.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Turkey Day

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am thankful for many things. One is the post office. I love to mail things ... weird I know. I also like to buy stamps. If I don't have your address I need it, because I am sending out Christmas cards (my parents think I'm weird because they have NEVER sent out Christmas cards but I have for the past 4 years and they don't know where I got the idea) and I need everyones addresses.

Some of you I'm lucky enough to have your address already so if I have it, and you don't want a card, tough cookie. This and wrapping presents makes my season. Luckily my mom hates to wrap Christmas presents so there is always plenty to wrap!

Don't write your addresses here, e-mail them please.

Hope everyone travels safe tomorrow (or whenever) and has a good day!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

farewell flamingo

somebody show this to cheryl for me:

the end of the pink flamingo

i also added some coolio links to the sidebar.

i'm also coming home in 2 weeks!


Monday, November 13, 2006

three weeks and counting

for wilson:
a cool game design job
check out the footnote on 'isle of wight'. hilarious.

as far as i know i'm not booked for any speaking engagements.
so... um. don't get your hopes up?


Wednesday, November 8, 2006

No news is good news...

I miss you guys! I'm really sorry I couldn't make it up for the Halloween party, but it just wasn't a good weekend. I will be coming up to visit again soon though. As soon as I figure out when I'll email you all.

Work is going well, nothing specifically good about it. I get up, get ready, drive for an hour, work until 4:30, drive home, go to the gym, eat dinner, relax and then do it all over again tomorrow. Being graduated is so glamorous! :D I am enjoying work and it feels like I'm accomplishing stuff. I do wish I were more outgoing so that I'd have more friends, but I'm sure that'll come as I'm there longer. Hopefully they'll pick me up as a permanent employee. My directly over me boss has said three times in the past week to people other than me, that he hopes they'll make me permanent, so that seems promising.

My personal life is still boring, no prospects... but that's okay cause I figure when I move to salt lake in January when I get hired permanently or somewhere else when i get a different job, I can find a neighborhood pub (so actually a bar) and become a regular and join a bowling league. Basically that means I'll be turning into my uncle, which i just realized and is very frightening!

In other peoples' news... Lisa and Mark Ferrara (she said he was considering taking her name) just bought a house! It's off of 10100 So, really close to where Lisa and I work. She showed me pictures and it seems really cute.

Well, like I said, no news is good news, and I have no news!

Love you all!

I used to be known as Crimson Cinderson, Tawanda, and Catwoman. For this month, I am Cranberry Jeri. Happy Thanksgiving.

Hi everyone! How are you all? It's good to hear from all of you. I am doing well. Liesl is three months old now. And I feel completely adjusted. I can keep my house clean, work, be a mom, cook, be a wife, and play a little, too.

I just haven't started running yet. I made significant progress today, though: I woke up to my alarm and actually got out of bed.

Before getting back in bed and going back to sleep.

Well, I have no news. Life's pretty good. I love my little girl a lot. She's fabulous. And growing up way, way, WAY too quickly. Babies are fun.

I don't have a lot of friends, and I miss you guys. Luckily, Chelsi's coming over this week to be my personal fashion consultant as I get ready for the military ball and family pictures this weekend.

Thank heavans elections are through. That's all I can say.

Love you all!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006

how much do you hate comic sans?

do you hate it as much as these people?

attn: jerilynn fisher, there are some pretty fun free fonts on that site. i've downloaded them all just now.

more about comic sans:

from the designer himself
at design observer
in boston

and speaking of fonts and design, i've fallen in love with veer.
just look at all the cool stuff they have for sale. i think i will buy that tin full of pins for myself for my birthday...

mm. yes.

Monday, November 6, 2006

What's wrong with this?

Find what's wrong here...

Did you know that 80f Stanford students could not find the error above? Click Here to see if you were right or to get the correct answer.

I actually found the error, but I couldn't figure out how to put it into the drop down menu so it would say I got the right answer. The "O" is a zero in the list. Whoever wrote it needs to go back to basic English. When they give the correct answer they use "your" instead of "you're". Is it wrong that annoys me?