Monday, May 2, 2011


I should've taken my own pictures when I was there last week, but I failed.

in other news, I had lunch with Rylish on friday, and picked his brain about grad school applications and programs and other random academic sorts of things. it was pretty fun.

this week it'll be five years since I graduated. insane, isn't it?

anyways. how is everyone else doing? you all should blog here more often, I say. :)


Unknown said...

I can't believe they've changed it! I'm going to have to take a trip there sometime and look at this for myself.

Ruby in the Rough said...

Nice. The place deserved a good face lift. When I got solicited for money after graduating, I told them I would only donate if it went toward rennovating Ray B. West. They told me it didn't. :(

How does the ghost of Room 101 feel about the new deco?

Chelsi Lasater said...

very nice. those couches were good for napping though. 5 years! we need a reunion. i miss all of you.